My name is Sameer Punjal, and I’m a software developer who was born and raised in Pittsburgh. I majored in Mathematics and minored in Computer Science at the University of Pittsburgh. I love algorithms - I’m a huge LeetCode enthusiast, and I love solving math problems - especially discrete math.

I made this site to talk about some of my favorite projects I’ve worked on, along with some posts on algorithms and math.

My hobbies, apart from Math and CS are:

  • I train in Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu. I’m currently out due to a minor injury, but I have been training at Stout Training Pittsburgh. Its a great gym, and they treat their beginners very well
  • I love to travel. In college, I studied abroad in the Math in Moscow program. I met some incredible people, I became a much stronger mathematician, and I fell in love with Russian art and culture. If you have any questions about this program, reach out to me and I’ll be sure to answer them.
  • I play drums. As a kid I learned how to play the Indian tabla as well along with the Western drum kit. Lately I’ve been teaching myself to play the piano as well

Feel free to reach out to me by email at